P3 is Parker’s Urban Renewal Authority and is dedicated to improving Parker. As an Urban Renewal Authority, P3 has access to unique financial tools to encourage redevelopment intended to improving Parker. Tax Increment Financing, or TIF, is the key financing mechanism of P3.
Create safe and beautiful spaces for public benefit.
Proactively encourage the right type of growth in the right areas.
Be flexible and entrepreneurial in identifying opportunities and solutions.
P3 is a true partner that is committed to defining and accomplishing both public and private goals that improve the Parker community.
P3 is dedicated to improving and progressing Parker while maintaining the community's small-town feel and high quality of life.
P3 projects are public/private partnerships that include improvements to public spaces and amenities.
P3 collects thoughtful community feedback and integrates it into final plans.
While the majority of funds come from the private sector, public investment comes from Tax Increment Financing.
* Not all URA projects use TIF
P3 Annual Report
As an Urban Renewal Authority, P3's charge is to reduce and eliminate blight by removing barriers to private development and reinvestment to help improve our community. There are three (3) active urban renewal areas in Parker: Cottonwood, Parker Road, and Parker Central.
P3 Budget
Click on the year below to view the budget information in PDF format. Please contact P3 if you need a printed version of any document.
P3 is governed by an Authority Board that meets regularly to discuss and determine the future of P3’s work. Records of those meetings can be found here.