P3 News
My Mainstreet Story Map
P3's goal is to partner with Town residents, business owners and developers to define what the community would like to see on each of the four sites downtown and what is feasible for the private market to develop.
Introducing the Business Bulletin
The Parker business community is an important driver of our Town's economy. Our role as a URA is to support our Town's businesses and help offer them important networking opportunities, incentive programs and information.
2017-2018 Annual Report
The report summarizes the economic impacts, community outreach, policies and goals P3 has accomplished over the last two years as well as future objectives for each of the urban renewal areas.
My Mainstreet: Implementation
In the My Mainstreet: Implementation phase, we will be partnering with developers and the Parker Town Council to take the next steps on each of the identified sites in downtown.
Winter Newsletter: The Strategic Framework for My Mainstreet
The public engagement phase of the My Mainstreet project—a community effort to define the best growth plan for downtown Parker—was recently completed with outstanding participation and exciting results.
September Newsletter: The Big Picture
For the past five months, you’ve been hearing a lot about the My Mainstreet project. My Mainstreet is a community-wide effort to gain consensus on what the future of downtown Parker should look like.
August Newsletter: How Often Do You Visit Downtown?
Over the past several months, we’ve been asking you a lot of questions about the future of downtown: what you’d like to see there, and what kind of development you think would look good in downtown.
July Newsletter: What Makes a Good Downtown?
The My Mainstreet project is a community effort to find consensus on the types of growth that can be expected on four lots in downtown Parker. Over the past few weeks, we've been learning what elements make a good downtown.
June Newsletter: The Market Analysis Results Are In
The missing piece of the My Mainstreet project has been the Market Analysis. A good market analysis looks at the kind of development that is possible in downtown Parker based on the economy, expected expansion, and the anticipated demand over 10 years.